Execute an Add-On in SAP B1 from the compiled

The development of an Add-On follows the same cycle as the development of a normal desktop application, with the difference that to execute it outside the source code it is necessary to create an installer. But, it is very tedious to be creating an installer for each modification that we want to try (outside debug mode).

To avoid having to generate an installer, you can create a shortcut of the addon executable (.exe) and add the connection string that SAP B1 gives us in the SDK to connect to the UI API.

We have the following result of the compilation of our application

Captura de pantalla de 2015-08-25 12-56-39

Right click on the .exe and press «Create shortcut»

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Once created, we edit the direct access (right click -> Properties) and at the end of the «route» field we place the connection string that the SDK gives us and we save the changes.

Captura de pantalla de 2015-08-25 13-04-15

Now just enter SAP and double click on the shortcut and we will see that the addon is connected as if we were calling it from the addons manager.

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You can even see that there is no addon installed in society

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I hope it will be you useful.
